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UN climate talks in Bonn leave a steep road to COP29

Diplomats met in Bonn (3-13 June) for the annual mid-year UN climate change talks.  With 5 months to COP29, negotiations were a key opportunity to set high expectations and prepare for what governments must agree on in Baku this November.  …

E3G reacts to party manifestos for the UK General Election

Follow E3G's assessment of party policies on net zero and the energy transition as manifestos are released this week. Available for comment E3G is following the UK General Election closely. If you have questions about energy, sustainable finance and place-based…

2024 EU elections: Europe can carry on its green transition

Stable climate leadership secured: The vast majority of Europeans voted for parties committed to the green transition and the fight against climate change, ensuring a stable and forward-looking EU climate leadership.  Continued green transition: The EU remains committed to its…

Delivery of G7 net-zero power target at risk unless the group accelerates action

E3G’s G7 Power Systems Scorecard shares critical insights into the G7 countries' efforts to deliver on their commitment to a decarbonised power sector by 2035.    The G7 nations are making progress towards decarbonising their power sectors. However, while significant steps…

Mid-year UN climate talks need to set high expectations ahead of COP29

Diplomats will meet in Bonn (3-13 June) for the annual mid-year UN climate change talks.  With 5 months to go, these negotiations are a key opportunity to set high expectations and prepare for what governments must agree at COP29.  The…

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